Answers to your questions
Check out our payment estimator for an idea of what your interest and payments might be. Interest rates for your loan will vary based on your income, debt, credit situation, and other factors. Rates remain fixed for the term of your loan. We have no pre-payment penalty, and you're welcome to make extra payments or pay off your loan early to save on interest.
A $25 application fee is required, which you can pay with a credit card when you apply. This fee is refundable if your application is declined. When your loan is finalized, a documentation fee of $75-$150 will be processed.
In order to ensure we have credit accuracy in determining best terms for you, a credit check is required and typically, the impact is minimal.
Yes, friends or family members are welcome to apply for a loan on behalf of a patient. Our loan specialists can help guide you on the best options.
Everyone’s situation is unique and we will do our best to assist you. Friends or family member are welcome to apply with you or on your behalf. Our loan specialists can help guide you on the best options available for you.
Yes, you can have someone apply with you. In fact, most of our borrowers apply with a co-borrower. If you're married, we require your spouse to apply with you as your co-borrower. Of the two of you, we will use the higher income and credit score to determine eligibility. Your co-borrower is jointly responsible for repayment of the loan.
We usually start reviewing your application the same day if submitted before 2pm ET (Monday-Friday), and we can usually finalize it within a few business days.
However, sometimes procuring required documents, verifying your information, and communicating with medical providers, etc., may delay finalization of a loan.
With our excellent reputation, we continue to add providers and pharmacies to our network all the time. If you cannot find your provider listed, ask your practice to reach out to us about partnering with us.
Once we have finalized your loan, all funds will be disbursed directly to your provider(s).
Prior to finalizing your loan, we'll contact your provider(s) to confirm the cost of your treatments and/or medications, including any future treatments. Please discuss with your provider(s) so the loan includes everything needed.
Once we have finalized your loan, we will set up monthly payments from your bank account (via ACH). You'll provide information about the account you want these debited from on your application.
Yes, during the loan process, you can request a specific loan term which, with your interest rate, will determine your monthly payment. (See our payment estimator.) Your payment amount and due date will not change for the term of the loan.
After your loan has been finalized, your first payment will be due the following month and will be automatically debited from your bank account.
Yes, you can also request a specific date that your payments are debited each month.
We provide electronic statements on our website. When we finalize your loan, we'll provide details on how to do this.
Yes. We have no pre-payment penalties, and you're welcome to make additional payments or pay off your loan early. Contact us about how to do this.
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